Tuesday, January 20, 2009


YEAYYYY..Finally i've made my journey to this place..Gunung Stong..

Although the weather was not good..(raining non-stop since the day before)..we've decided to go there..luckily it was bright shiny day in the morning that my MIL n hubby said yes and agreed to go..The journey took about 45 minutes from the house..

its very beautiful..the water was so damn cold!..Danish n Faiq seems like enjoying themselves very much n didnt afraid at all to swim..well danish was a bit passive when i asked him to join mommy n faiq into the water..but after a while..he enjoyed it more than mommy..

i well..was very keen at first to stay in the water..but at my first step 'pacat' already greeted me ..waaaa..yakksss..

but it was fun to go there..maybe next time we can have a picnic there when everyone gets home..lets plan guys!!


  1. cayalah....aku support habis2an. welcome to the blogger world....

  2. huhu...budak baru belajar lagi ni..
    jom plan p stong...aku sukakkkk
